"Miss Mundo Latin American" is a beauty contest open to girls residents throughout Italy and Europe, from 14 Latin American countries participants (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Salvador, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Cuba e Costa Rica) in order to crown the competitor able to represent and promote the best method beauty, Lo Spirito and the culture of Latin American mondo. It 'a new very ambitious project, created and conceived by "SANTOS DESIGNERS", The project aims to spread the culture of 14 Latin American countries through the beauty that there are going to participate. The "Santos designers", that has always been at heart the promotion and enhancement of Latin American culture, therefore it decided, with passion and constancy and seriousness that has characterized during his many years activity, to give life to this project as ambitious. To make participation possible for all girls of Italy, They have been defined as the following locations of the casting 4 city: Milano, Genoa, Florence and Rome.